VisitTracker Accounts are priced based on the number of Paid Users assigned to that account.
- Paid Users are Home Visitors and Helper Admins.
- Free Users are the Main Administrator and Read-Only Admins
Currently, Visit Tracker has accounts that are specific to national home visiting models listed below. Additionally, Visit Tracker can be used by any program that needs to manage the enrollment of families and children, document demographics, enter service records and manage contacts with the family.
National Models
- Parents as Teachers
- Healthy Families America
- Early Headstart HV
- Save the Children
Tribal Models
- Family Spirit
If you have questions or would like a more detailed description of User Types or Accounts, please contact us to discuss which plan will best meet your needs.
Annual subscription prices
Home Visiting & Coordinated Intake Accounts
- Account with 1-2 Users = $325/yr
- Account with 3-5 Users = $580/yr
- Account with 6-10 Users = $925/yr
- Account with 11-20 Users = $1,200/yr
- Account with 21-99 Users = $1,625/yr
State & Regional Accounts
These accounts can connect to multiple home visiting accounts within the same state. Each account is priced based on the service offered.
- Administrator Account (Multi-program support features and reporting) = $1,000
- Data Account (raw data file. BAK format) = Pricing based on volume
Custom Development Services
DataKeeper offers fixed price estimates for any custom development needs. Whatever the need is, we’ll help you get even more from your Visit Tracker account. Contact us directly
Training Services
Online / Web-based training = $400
- The agency hosting the training is always welcome to record the webinar so that it can be a useful, reusable resource for their program(s). (included with training cost)
On-site training = $1,200/day + estimated travel expenses
See our Training page for descriptions of trainings we offer as well as accessing a library of free demos and tutorials.
Custom Reports Account
Up to 50 Custom Reports built specifically to your needs.
Contact us for details about how Custom Reports can help you get the data, reports, and analysis you need for Quality Control, Compliance, Funding or Research.
Have custom report needs but not sure you need a full Custom Reports Account? No problem. Just contact us so we can understand what you need.
Data Imports
If you are converting from another software program to VisitTracker then we’d like to help you get started by importing your data from your current software into VisitTracker so you can get started using VisitTracker sooner. We can import your data from a SQL file or CSV file directly into VisitTracker for you. Please contact us to talk in more detail about your data import.
Data Exports
VisitTracker has numerous data reports and exports available directly within VisitTracker Reports that can satisfy almost every data export you need. If you find these are insufficient for your data export needs, we can provide a full database dump in SQL format for $1,200/VisitTracker Account.
Methods of Payment
We accept credit card payments, purchase orders and checks via snail mail.