10/2/2014 New Features – New reporting features and new administrator “Performance Measures Report”

1. The Missouri Invoice is ready to be used with all the new 2014 rules in place and has the “Minority Families” calculation working correctly!

2. Caseload Summary Report now works for both Administrators & Educators.

3. You may now filter “By Educator” on the following reports: Screening Compliance, Family Assessment Compliance, & Goals/Plans Report (more coming soon)

4. Data Export Capabilities Expanded Administrators have been able to export guardian & children data for some time now to work with it in Excel, but we have recently added more data to those exports. The most current entry in the history section for guardian education level, employment hours, average income, and tobacco survey will now export for guardians. Also, we have added due date, relationship to guardian, and breastfeeding data to the child export. More to come later!

5. New “DRAFT VERSION” Report for PAT Affiliate Visit Tracker Administrators – “Performance Measures Report – DRAFT Version” – This report looks at several of the PAT Affiliate essential requirements and gives you a picture of your performance level. This data has been calculated by National PAT after they received your APR reports for the last several years but we think having it in Visit Tracker to be run throughout the year will help you prioritize CQI activities during the year. Each section will basically refer directly to corresponding totals on the APR. We have also provided a link next to each total on the PMR report to another report in Visit Tracker that will show you related information to help you in CQI activities for each measure. For example, the Family Assessment Compliance Report will show you which families have or have not had their assessment yet. This pertains to NewFCA below. Percent is figured by dividing numerator by denominator. 5/10= .5=50%


  • NewFCA = denominator should be same number as APR II 2b & numerator should count the families from the denominator who have have a “Yes” in the final column of the (Family Assessment Report)
  • AnnFCA – The denominator should be same number found and reported on the Affiliate Performance Report in question II.1, the numerator should be the same number found and reported on the APR report in question III.1.
  • Goals – The denominator should be same number found and reported on the Affiliate Performance Report in question II.1, the numerator should be the same number found and reported on the APR report in question III.4
  • Visit Freq1 = denominator should be the same total from APR II 6a & numerator should be APR IV. 1
  • VisitFreq2 = denominator should be the same total from APR II 6b & numerator should be APR IV. 2
  • Screen7mo -The denominator should be same number found and reported on the Affiliate Performance Report in question VI.2, the numerator should be the same number found and reported on the APR report in question VI.2a
  • Screen90d – The denominator should be same number found and reported on the Affiliate Performance Report in question VI.3, the numerator should be the same number found and reported on the APR report in question VI.3a
  • AnnScreen – The denominator should be same number found and reported on the Affiliate Performance Report in question II.9, the numerator should be the same number found and reported on the APR report in question VI.4
  • Resources – The denominator should be same number found and reported on the Affiliate Performance Report in question II.1, the numerator should be the same number found and reported on the APR report in question VII.1