New formatting for phone numbers will be released tonight (Tuesday 3/3/2020).
Beginning 3/4, all phone numbers will need to be entered with the standard 10 digit format (###) ###-####. When entering the data, users won’t have to do anything but type the numbers. VT will format it for you. This format applies to all areas in Visit Tracker where a phone number is entered including Coordinated Intake applications.
Existing phone numbers will be updated to this new format for those families that already exist in the system.

What about phone numbers that had extensions, contained text, or simply didn’t have 10 digits entered?
For data entered that doesn’t fit the 10 digit format, a Contact Notes section was added below Main Contact. In the screenshot below, you can see that Phone 1 did not match the 10 digit format. So that entry was removed from Phone 1 and placed in Contact Notes to preserved what was entered.

Let us know if you have any questions.