New Features 12/7/15! Reassign Planning Guide when a visit get canceled, optional Breastfeeding Survey, and MORE!

All of these new features having been adding because of your requests! We hope that you will find these all useful! Thank you for your continued feedback and suggestions!

When canceling a visit, you will now be asked if you would like to “reassign” a Planning Guide, if one has been created for the visit. Go to the Guardian Contact History and click the edit icon. Change the Contact the to “Canceled (by Parent, by Parent Educator)” or “No Show”. You will then be prompted to enter the rescheduled date and time, and the Planning Guide will move to that new date.

The Substance Abuse and Breastfeeding Surveys can now be “optional” if your program does not track that data. The program Admin will need to login, and go to the Set Up tab. Click the “Preferences” link on the left and under the “Child Fields to Display”, you will see the Breastfeeding Survey and “Guardian Fields to Display” you will see the Substance Abuse Survey.

If your program uses the Site/Fund Code, you will now be able to select multiple Site Codes when running reports. Click on the box the says “All Site/Fund Codes”, and you will see the option to check all, check some and not others, or just select one at a time.

The Home Visitor Training/Supervision History under the “PDC/training” link under the home visitor, is now in order by date, the most recent being at the top.