Projects Update 3/6/2019

We’ve had our heads down working hard on the Multiple Guardians project. But that doesn’t mean that’s all we’re working on. Here’s an update of the big stuff and some of the smaller things too that matter just as much. Of course, I’ll start off with Multiple Guardians!…

Multiple Guardians

  • To be completed 3/31 and released the weekend of April 12. More announcements will come as that weekend nears.
  • Keep looking for more support tutorials about the changes taking place. Those are being posted in our Knowledgebase as well.

PAT Records

  • As you probably already know, we’ve been updating Visit Tracker so that PAT Affiliate programs can enter all required data as indicated in the Data In Motion manual. It doesn’t stop there.
  • We’ll be adding the ability to print your families’ data in the PAT Record format. This should help with the Quality Endorsement Process.
  • Going through Quality Endorsement now? Check out this post to help with submitting blank forms – PAT QEIP

HIPPY Quarterly Reports

  • Currently, HIPPY sites have access to Site Funding and Group Meeting reports
  • We’re working on the Families & Home Visits report complete with validations. This report is scheduled for mid May at the latest, if not sooner
  • HIPPY Staff and the related report are coming soon as well

More notable projects coming over the next few months

  • Child Screenings and Resource Connections – We’ll be updating the screenings and resource connections related to screenings. You’ll be able to better see all connections made as a result of screenings along with the rest of your family connections.
  • Data Quality Alerts – We’ve been getting great feedback on the Reminders and a lot of great suggestions on how to improve Visit Tracker’s data quality automation. We’ll be adding alerts related to model compliance and data collection requirements.
  • Other service providers – We’ve heard that many families are receiving support from home visiting programs not just by the home visitor but also by other types home visiting practitioners. We’ll be working on the ability for those “other service providers” to be assigned to a family and enter their service records.
  • Locking and unlocking records – Related to “Other service providers”, we’ll be working on the ability for PVRs and other records to be locked and unlocked.
  • Reports – And of course we’re always looking to upgrade and improve your ability to get your data out of Visit Tracker

Also please know that as we’re adding fields and updates to Visit Tracker, we’re working very hard to increase your ability to customize and control what you’re seeing and not seeing in Visit Tracker. Here’s a sneak peak at the Preferences section in the Main Admin’s Setup tab coming in the Multiple Guardians project. Compare this to what you currently have. Without expanding each section, hopefully you can tell that your control is growing.

Thanks for choosing Visit Tracker. We’re working hard to make it easy for you.