Visit Tracker Renewal and User Count

Your Visit Tracker renewal invoice amount is based on the number of Active users in your account.  Home Visitors and full use Additional Admin count as “billable” users.  The main admin and Ready Only Additional Admin do not.  More information about current pricing can be found here:

To see the Active users currently in your system, go to the Home Visitor tab, and open the drop down list.  All the names in the drop down are active users.  You may need to deactivate home visitors if they are no longer with your program.

*Please note, only the main admin can make these changes.*

To deactivate, follow the instructions here:

To find Additional Admin, go to the Set Up tab, and then click “Additional Admin” on the left.  Any admin with “H” by their name are full access users. “R” will be Read Only.  You can simply click the delete icon on the right to delete additional admin.