New Feature and Fixes Released 8/3/2018


We’ve made some improvements to the Preferences section under the Main Admin’s Setup


  • We’ve received some requests to make the email verification a function that can be turned on or off so that guardians aren’t receiving automated messages when you first enter their information.
  • In “Guardian Fields to Display”, the first in the list is Email verification where you can now control.
  • Everyone’s account has the function turned on. So if you no longer want email verifications to be sent, then set it to ‘No’.
  • IMPORTANT: If you are using the “Send email” feature at all, email verifications should be set to ‘Yes’.


  • The list of assessments has been growing. You can now control which ones you want to see in that list.
  • In Preferences, we’ve added “Family / Guardian Assessments to Display”. Only have those assessments you are using set to “Yes”.
  • NOTE: Only the assessments set to “Yes” will show in the list when adding a new assessment and the Assessment Reports section.

Each section in Preferences is now expandable and collapsable. Hopefully, this will help reduce the amount of scrolling as we continue to add more controls for you.


HFA LEVELS – The new levels and weights have been updated for all HFA programs.

CUSTOM REPORT ACCOUNTS – The start date default can now be set by you! Go to Profile > Set Start Date for Reports. The end date will now default to the current date.

SITE/FUND CODE – The Site/Fund Code is now fully editable. Any incorrect entries can be fully edited or deleted in the history table at the bottom of the Guardian Data page.


APR Section II #12 – The issue with prenatals being counted in this section has been corrected.

Child Health Record Immunizations – “Immunizations Current as of” field on the Child Data page is now updated by the “Immunizations up to date” information on the Child Health Record.

Child Exit Report – The Exit Report for exited children is now functioning correctly.