Coming December 23 – Family Service Management

Visit Tracker is being updated with a new Family Service Management section. This update will be released and available to Visit Tracker users on 12/23/2024.

We’ve created an article with tutorials to help you understand what the change is and why. View article

Here’s a quick summary of this update.

Family services can now be managed from the new Family Service Management section which can be accessed on the Family Home page. What use to be “Statuses”, with start and end dates, is now “Services”. With Statuses, a family could only have 1 Status assigned at a time. But with Services, a family can have more than 1 service open at the same time.

Services are grouped into 3 main sections:

  1. Pre-Enrollment Services – Recruit, Waiting List, Mailing List
  2. Home Visiting Services – which still remains the primary service provided
  3. Other services – Doula, Group Only, Screening Only and Other

So why the new Family Service Management update?

We’ve heard from many programs over the years about how they are providing other services to families such as screening only, doula, group only services, etc. With Statuses, there was no way to indicate a family was receiving a service other than home visiting – or in addition to. So programs had to come up with “work-arounds”.

This update eliminates the “work-arounds” and allows a family, for example, to have a home visiting service period and a screening only service at the same time.

This update also eliminates discrepancies between the family status and the child status. No longer will home visitors have to navigate back-and-forth between the Family Data page, Guardian Data page and Child Data page in order to manage statuses for each individual family member.

View this article to get more details and watch the tutorials.