Here’s a summary of some changes to the Coordinated Intake application that will be ready beginning Wednesday 3/4/2020.
- CIAT ID will now be displayed at the top of the CIAT and the Family’s data page for those families that were enrolled from the CIAT.
- County has been added. It is not a required field.
- Insurance fields have been updated with the word “Insurance”.
- Education fields have been updated with the word “Education”
- “Referrals Source” has been changed to “Referral Source“
- Intake History > Add as recruit – When the Home Visiting Agency updates a CIAT to Add as recruit, the home visitor assigned will be added to the Comments field for the CI Agency to see.
Family Comments
The ability to add family comments to an application have been added to each application for CI Agencies. Add family comments below the Intake History section or when adding an intake entry.
Click on “Add Comments” under Family Comments to add an entry.

Add a family comment when updating an intake status. The entry will be added to the Family Comments section.

Let us know if you have any questions.