Have YOU tried Visit Tracker Web Home Visiting Software yet?

What are you waiting for???  Educators and Program Supervisors are constantly sharing Visit Tracker Web with other programs and educators.  Mary C. from MO just signed up last week because another program supervisor kept going on about how Visit Tracker Web is the BEST home visiting software out there!  After looking on the demo, Mary was hooked and signed up right away.  She was excited to see how user friendly this home visiting software really is. Visit Tracker will save you and your educators so much time.  Reports are easy to run, documents are easy to find and fill out and all family and child information is stored securely in one place.  Is your program “going green”?  By using Visit Tracker Web, there is no longer the need for paper files.  Why not check out the demo today?  You can log on to our demo at www.visittrackerweb.com/demo.asp   If you like what you see, but feel you need more time to evaluate, sign up for a 60 day free trial!  Sign up for the trial at www.visittrackerweb.com/signup.asp