Here are some upcoming updates scheduled to be released this weekend based on requests we’ve received from you regarding the Personal Visit Record.
Literacy Survey
The Literacy Survey from the Child Health Info section will be added to the HIPPY and HFA Personal Visit Records.
To access this feature:

On the Personal Visit Records, the Literacy Survey entries will be shown when answering the question “A family members read, told stories…”. The entries for each child will be added to the Literacy Survey section in each of their Health Info sections.

Safe Sleep Survey
Also being added to the PVR is the Safe Sleep Survey. This feature is available to the PAT and HFA programs and will show for children that are less than 1 year old.
Turn the feature on in SETUP > PREFERENCES > PERSONAL VISIT RECORDS the same as the Literacy Survey.
When turned on, Safe Sleep Survey entries will show for any child less than a year old on the PVR.

PVR Templates for Foundational Visits
We’ve set up PVR templates for the PAT programs based on each of the 8 Foundational visit plans. Templates 1501 – 1508 can be selected in the Planning Guides and/or PVRs to pre-populate the information related to the foundational visits.

PVR Data Export
A new export is available for PVR data. This export is available in the SERVICE REPORTS column.

Keep your suggestions coming! And let us know if you have any questions.