
APR Milestones Updates

We had several questions regarding the Milestones question on the APR. We have updated our APR to include some additional calculations that we think you will find helpful. Also remember, you can click on the number to see the list of children/visits included in each number. 2 different calculations are now being offered for Milestones: […]

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You asked… PAT ISR Report

We received a request a while back to update the PAT ISR Report for PAT Approved User programs. We finally have been able to update and release the report this week. The PAT ISR is updated according to PAT National’s 2018-2019 requirements. This report is available in the Admin / State / National reports column.

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New Feature: HIPPY Site Funding

We’ve added Site Funding to all HIPPY programs. This section can be accessed by the Main Admin under the Setup tab underneath Profile. In the Site Funding section, add program budget information for the following: Government Funding Sources Private Funding Sources In-Kind Donations Volunteers When a Government, Private or In-Kind source ends, simply go to

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Report Upgrades

The following reports were upgraded and released this week. Service Counts Personal Visit Record Report Visit Frequency Exit Summary Also upon requests from the field, we added the option of running these reports as a CSV file in addition to the standard HTML file. In the CSV file format, you will be able to open

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Recent Releases 1/16/2018

PROJECTS RELEASED Resource Connections Reports “Resource Connections” in the Service Reports columns replaces “Resource Referrals” There are 3 reports now available to provide you with Resource Connection and Information Shared data “Resource Connections” – This report will display all connections made within the date range specified. The connections displayed will be for those families that

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Latest Additions 12/19/2017

First of all we wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. We hope you all have a very festive holiday season. Here the latest updates we released this week. LATEST ADDITIONS PAT Data In Motion We’re working our way through the Data In Motion document to get Visit Tracker up-to-date

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REPORTS: Service Counts Edited

Recently we heard that the Service Counts report was possibly not reporting correctly. It was more about having an expectation of how it will report versus what it was actually reporting. So the questions are, “Why is it reporting this way?” and “Should it?” The issue: The report for Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 was

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