
Projects Update 06-25-2019

Here’s an update on the latest happenings and what to look forward to. RECENTLY RELEASED Protective Factors Survey 2 – Version 2 of the PFS is now available. APR & PMR Milestones Update – When “No” appears for Milestones, it will link to the list of PVRs where Milestones was not reviewed for a child […]

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Projects Update 12/10/2018

Here’s an update on the latest happenings and what to look forward to. SUGGESTIONS FROM THE FIELD  Requests that have come in through the Help Desk, email or phone calls. Keep submitting your suggestions. We’re listening. submit suggestion Released: Print friendly version for EC & I/T HOME assessments: At the bottom of each of these

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Project Updates 10/23/2018

Here’s an update on the latest happenings and what to look forward to. SUGGESTIONS/REQUESTS FROM THE FIELD  Requests that have come in through the Help Desk, email or phone calls. Keep submitting your suggestions. We’re listening. submit suggestion Planning Guide and PVR sync – We removed the sync for Family Well-Being Key Resources and Closing

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Project Updates 2/14/2018

Here’s an update on the latest happenings and what to look forward to. PROJECTS RECENTLY RELEASED New guardian Assessment – Family Literacy Experience The following projects were announced on previously posts. Here’s a recap Family Intake Record – Updated fields and new fields related to the PAT Family Intake Record APR Updates – Section VI

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