We Are Committed to Model Fidelity

DataKeeper is committed to helping home visiting programs monitor their model fidelity.

Visit Tracker offers model fidelity features and reports specific to the following national models:

  • Parents As Teachers (PAT)
  • Health Families America (HFA)
  • Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY)

But not all programs using Visit Tracker fall under 1 of these national models. So we also offer features where all programs can setup their own fidelity monitoring and standard reports to review what’s been and what’s been missed.

  • Reminders that can be applied to enrollment and age timelines
  • Data Quality Alerts – a whole menu to choose from to identify missing data each program year
  • Service record reports and exports to find out what’s been done and not done.

Visit Tracker goes above and beyond

There’s a variety of reports that program supervisors and home visitors can turn to throughout the year to monitor their performance measures and essential requirements. The reports have built-in exports to dig deeper into the data present to show how participants are being reported, or even not reported.

For example, let’s take a look at the PAT Performance Measures Report (PMR)

This report demonstrates what % of the families and children are meeting specific measures throughout the program year.

  • The Denominator tells us how many families, or children, qualify to be reported in the measure.
  • The Numerator tells us how many of those families, or children, from the Denominator meet the measure.

So the family that is reported in the Denominator, but not in the Numerator, “missed” the performance measure.

Visit Tracker takes it a little further by offering the following in the PMR

  • Missing / Not in compliance – By summing up and showing those that are “Missing / Not in compliance”. These participants can been seen in the Denominator but are listed along with those reported as Numerator too. So having a Missing column allows users to easily see how many and who those individuals are.
  • Due – There are also families and children that haven’t yet met the Denominator definition but will at some point in the program year. These participants will be reported as DUE if they haven’t received the services needed to be reported in the Numerator.
  • Export Details – Export the list of families and children to see all the measures in the PMR and how each individual is reported – Compliant, Not compliant, or Due.

This is just one example of what can be expected throughout the Visit Tracker data system for your program’s home visiting model.

And there is still more to come! Here’s a couple things – but not all – coming up in the near future.

  • PAT Compliant Page – Use this page to prepare for your home visits. This page sums up – in real time – the performance measures for that family in the current program year.
  • HIPPY Annual Report – HIPPYUS has released a new annual report. Visit Tracker will be offering this report in time to complete the 22-23 annual report.

Stay tuned.