You asked…Exit Reason Mapping

Note: The mapping feature discussed here is only seen by programs that are PAT Affiliates. There has been no change to other program models and the exit reasons being used.

With the PAT Record updates, Exit Reasons needed to change listing only those reasons required by PAT National. But what about the list of reasons you created not listed as an official PAT reason? How could you continue to keep those for your own reporting needs? We had a suggestion to add a mapping feature for Main Admins in the the Exit Reasons section of Setup. (Thanks for the suggestion Tom!)

Please note that the Exit Reasons section on the APR is still being updated to report mapped reasons.

Why is Exit Reason mapping needed?

On the APR, you are required to report exited families according to the list of PAT National Exit Reasons as seen on the Family Information Record. However, if you have a specific set of reasons that are needed to report to a funder or other local/state agency, you need to continue selecting that reason when it applies. So the solution is to map your reason to the PAT National reason that it best fits into.

What to expect in reporting.

As noted above, the APR is currently being updated to report mapped reasons. This is in progress now and scheduled to be ready by May 17. In the meantime, you can begin to map reasons now.

Once the APR is updated, the Family Retention section IX will report all of your mapped reasons as the PAT National Exit Reason it is mapped to. Any reasons not mapped will also be reported in that section, if applicable, below the PAT National exit reasons list.

Reports like the Exit Summary will continue to show the exit reason you selected and not the mapped reason.

Do you have to map all, or any, of your exit reasons?


The main admin for your subscription, currently, has the ability to consolidate any reason to the PAT National Exit Reason list. Consolidation will convert your reason to the PAT reason. For example, you have 10 families with the exit reason of “Aged out” and you choose to consolidate to “Aged out” to “Child(ren) aged out or graduated.”. Then all 10 of those families will be converted to “Child(ren) aged out or graduated.” and the “Aged out” reason will be removed from the list of reasons that can be selected.

If you don’t map or consolidate, you will still be able to see your reasons on the APR reported underneath PAT’s reasons. You will just have to transfer the numbers manually on your final APR submission.

Once the APR is updated, we’ll let you know so that you can see how your mapped reasons are reported on the APR.