Here are some of the latest suggestions you made that we were able to deliver to you.
Child’s age on the Screening page
On the Screening page, the child’s age will show the age in both the # days and, with the update, # months and # days in parentheses.

My Families – Assignments
On each home visitor’s My Families page, “Update my families” offers 2 choices
- Reassign families to
- Assign additional access
Once a choice is made, the “Select Home Visitor” drop-down appears. You can then start checking the families that you want to Reassign or Grant Additional Access to for the home visitor chosen.

New support text will help clarify what is happening in the confirmation window.

The “Additional Access” column was added so home visitors can see who also has been assigned to that family.

Setup > Planning Guide and PVR’s
For PAT Affiliates, we’ve added the ability to Show /Not Show the Foundational F1 – F8 templates. So if you are using your own templates for Foundational curriculum, you can have just your templates show for your home visitors.