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You asked… More print options!

Over the weekend, we released a package focused on several requests we’ve received regarding more print options and an additional request about entering medical visits. Here’s a summary of what we released. PRINT OPTIONS Goals/Plans – You can now print the Goals Overview table. Click on the print button in the page’s header bar. Select […]

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You asked… PAT ISR Report

We received a request a while back to update the PAT ISR Report for PAT Approved User programs. We finally have been able to update and release the report this week. The PAT ISR is updated according to PAT National’s 2018-2019 requirements. This report is available in the Admin / State / National reports column.

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You asked… Exit Summary Report

With the updates to Enrollment History and Statuses, we received a request recently to have the Exit Summary report be updated on how it reports the various enrollment periods. Here’s a summary of the updates. The Exit Summary will now sum up all enrollment periods and report on the latest enrollment period. Total months enrolled

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You asked…Resource Connections

Resource Connections was updated over the weekend. Here are the updates we’ve made as a result of your requests. Choose whether the connection shows on the PVR. Edit the record and select “Completed” which will remove that connection from the PVR. It does not change the latest status of the connection. It’s just a selection

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