Visit Tracker is the software choice for many MIECHV grantees. Data tracking elements have been added to measure each MIECHV benchmark. Recently alcohol and illicit drugs tracking has been added to be tracked along with tobacco use. The state of Washington is also funding the HOME assessment inside Visit Tracker. If you are an MIECHV grantee and you need local data tracking software that can easily be rolled up into ad hoc reports for/by your state leaders, check out Visit Tracker now. With over 7000 clients in all 50 states and Canada, Visit Tracker has learned how to make simple software to do very robust things. Visit to play in a demo or signup for a free trial account. The trial account is a fully working version that will continue to be yours if you decide you like it within 60 days. If not, pay nothing. MIECHV software and home visiting software can be one in the same. There is never a need to double enter. Talk to your state leader and have them look at Visit Tracker Web now.