We’ve made a couple updates specifically for the HIPPY programs.
HUSA Quarterly Reports > HUSA Families & Home Visits
This report can now be accessed under HUSA Quarterly Reports located in the Reports > HIPPY Reports column. HIPPY USA validations have been added to this report. We’ve also included pop-ups for Unknown and No Data numbers to show you the list of those guardians or children reported in that number. You can also export the families (primary guardians) and children into an excel spreadsheet so that you can get a detail list of everyone reported along with their data used for the report.
Note: The Staff & Training report will be coming later this year.

ALSO for HIPPY – PVR Preferences
With the recent Resource Connections update, you’ve probably noticed some changes to the Personal Visit Record. The Resource Connections section has expanded. Below that section is the “Family Resource Referrals during this Home Visit ” that has several items where you can indicate Information Shared (I) or also record Connections to Resources (CR).
Now in the Main Admin > Setup > Preferences section, you can set the
“Family Resource Referrals during this Home Visit ” show or not show.

If set to “No”, here’s how the PVR will look: