Update to Date Field

We have removed the ability to enter a date in manually. We were finding a lot of date errors within the database (such as the year 2320), so you will need to click the calendar icon to enter in a date. You can simply click on the “month and year” at the top of the

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You asked… Mass Screenings

A new feature has been added to Visit Tracker – Mass Screenings. It has been in high demand and here it is. Check out this demo. Refer to our Knowledgebase articles for detailed screenshots as well as this video. https://data-keeper.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/20445128817939-Mass-Screenings

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We Are Committed to Model Fidelity

DataKeeper is committed to helping home visiting programs monitor their model fidelity. Visit Tracker offers model fidelity features and reports specific to the following national models: But not all programs using Visit Tracker fall under 1 of these national models. So we also offer features where all programs can setup their own fidelity monitoring and

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