Attention All MIECHV funded programs. You must mark a child the TARGET CHILD…

Attention all MIECHV funded programs!  The MIECHV form 1 report was new inside Visit Tracker in August 2013.  You must designate which individual child(ren) is/was the MIECHV target child for this report to calculate correctly.  While most states have decided that each family has only one target child, there are special circumstances in the case […]

Attention All MIECHV funded programs. You must mark a child the TARGET CHILD… Read More »

NEW FEATURES!! – August 21, 2013

On Guardian Demographics page – (if turned on in Setup Preferences by your system admin) – There is now a box for MIECHV Priority Populations tracking.   Three of these items will calculate based on data entered in other parts of Visit Tracker. Low income will auto calculate based on Federal guidelines according to the information

NEW FEATURES!! – August 21, 2013 Read More »

MIECHV Software

The State of Washington has chosen Visit Tracker for their MIECHV Software and Visit Tracker has delivered.  So far, several customizations were made to track MIECHV benchmarks exactly as Washington needs them, trainings were conducted to ensure all educators understood data entry requirements and procedures, and Form 1 and Form 2 data has been collected

MIECHV Software Read More »

The APR (Affiliate Performance Report) is created every year by the National Center for PAT. That report has undergone some changes by National recently and the new version is now ready inside Visit Tracker.

The APR (Affiliate Performance Report) is created every year by the National Center for PAT.  That report has undergone considerable changes by National recently and the new version is now ready inside Visit Tracker. Hints for APR: On each Educator Screen (Educator tab) there is a new field that tracks if the educator is a

The APR (Affiliate Performance Report) is created every year by the National Center for PAT. That report has undergone some changes by National recently and the new version is now ready inside Visit Tracker. Read More »

SUPPORTING CARE PROVIDERS programs – Visit Tracker has a user who has requested some customizations for data tracking of their child care center visits using the “Supporting Care Providers” curriculum. The project is rather large and funding partners are needed. Please contact support if you are also interested in this endevor.

SUPPORTING CARE PROVIDERS programs – Visit Tracker has a user who has requested some customization for data tracking of their child care center visits using the “Supporting Care Providers” curriculum.  The project is rather large and funding partners are needed.  Please contact support if you are also interested in this endevor.  The design currently would add “care

SUPPORTING CARE PROVIDERS programs – Visit Tracker has a user who has requested some customizations for data tracking of their child care center visits using the “Supporting Care Providers” curriculum. The project is rather large and funding partners are needed. Please contact support if you are also interested in this endevor. Read More »

NEW FEATURES 5/15/13! We have recently added Alcohol and drug use tracking…

NEW FEATURES 5/15/13! We have recently added Alcohol and drug use tracking to the substance use survey found on Health Info.  Tobacco use was already there.  This is great to ask at enrollment and again each year. We added “adopted child” to the relationship field on the child screen which shows the child’s relationship to

NEW FEATURES 5/15/13! We have recently added Alcohol and drug use tracking… Read More »