Gross motor and Fine motor were switched around on the screening data entry screen. Thanks for finding this error!

11/1/12       We received several calls that on our new screening data entry page, we had the gross motor and fine motor areas in the wrong order and the fact that they didn’t match the form was causing problem.  We fixed it immediately.  Thanks for the constructive criticism.

Gross motor and Fine motor were switched around on the screening data entry screen. Thanks for finding this error! Read More »

Visit Tracker Web New Features!

Home Visiting Software, Visit Tracker Web has recently added some exciting new features.  Educators can now track the Primary Guardian date of birth, gender, marital status, and employment and education history.  Educators can also track Family Income History.  These fields are found under the Guardian Demographic screen.  Another new feature is the addition of the

Visit Tracker Web New Features! Read More »

MIECHV Software meets standards

MIECHV Software Visit Tracker Web has recently met all the MIECHV standards requested to date.  We have updated our MIECHV Benchmark Alignment document to show the recently added features and future additions planned already.  Training on these new features has been conducted and current users are already incorporating the new features in their data collecting procedures.  Visit

MIECHV Software meets standards Read More »

Visit Tracker is the MIECHV Software for TEXAS PAT and EHS programs.

MIECHV Software Visit Tracker Web has completed all required customization requested by Texas for their MIECHV benchmark measurements and is the MIECHV software provider for all PAT (Parents As Teachers), EHS (Early Head Start), and Health Families America programs in Texas.  Additional tracking mechanisms were added to track medical provider visits, insurance history for both the guardians

Visit Tracker is the MIECHV Software for TEXAS PAT and EHS programs. Read More »