New and Updated Features

10/17 The “High Needs” demographics choices and report has been changed! For the National High Needs specifications, families must have TWO items checked.

10/17  The High Needs demographics choices were indeed changes recently.  National PAT now considers a family “high needs” if two items of the High Needs characteristics are checked, not just one.  Also, if you are in Missouri, we have a separate list and calculation for your High Needs rules.  See the complete explanation and screen […]

10/17 The “High Needs” demographics choices and report has been changed! For the National High Needs specifications, families must have TWO items checked. Read More »

Gross motor and Fine motor were switched around on the screening data entry screen. Thanks for finding this error!

11/1/12       We received several calls that on our new screening data entry page, we had the gross motor and fine motor areas in the wrong order and the fact that they didn’t match the form was causing problem.  We fixed it immediately.  Thanks for the constructive criticism.

Gross motor and Fine motor were switched around on the screening data entry screen. Thanks for finding this error! Read More »