New and Updated Features

New Breastfeeding Survey Report

We’ve recently added a new report to the Child Health Info reports for Breastfeeding. The current report was an export for all breastfeeding entries completed in the date range selected. This new report will list all children with at least 1 private contact in the date range and display their latest breastfeeding survey entry. Reports

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Reminders – Update

Here’s some updates made to the Reminders feature. General Reminders When creating a General reminder, Helper Admins will be included in the Users selection list. An example of how this can be applied might be when creating a reminder to run reports periodically. And the responsibility is a Helper Admin not a home visitor. Reminder

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You asked… Supervision & Staff Events

Thanks to your continued input, we’ve recently made some updates related to Staff Events (formerly PDC/Training events) and Supervision records. Supervision Events and Records Supervision can now be scheduled and recorded with Helper Admins. In “Contact With”, the list will include Helper Admins. Staff Events First, PDC/Trainings was renamed to Staff Events because the events

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New Data Quality Feature

Visit Tracker offers a variety of data quality features throughout the system for all users. DataKeeper also works with states to provide data quality features specific to their performance measures. NEW WASHINGTON DATA QUALITY FEATURE Beginning 2023, Washington programs have a new data quality page for each family to track Washington performance measures. For each

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Subscription Prices for 2023

Effective 4/1/2023, our subscription prices will increase slightly so that we can continue providing the high level of service and support that you count on. View our pricing page for details. You may prepay your upcoming subscription at the current price if we receive your payment prior to 4/1/2023.   If you would like to

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You asked… At the Conference

Thanks to everyone that stopped by the booth at the conference. It’s always a pleasure to connect with you all in person. We received a lot of good feedback and suggestions. Since the conference, here’s a list of of improvements we completed from what you told us. Family Demographics and Health Info page When you

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NEW: Nevada MIECHV Form 2

Nevada now has its own MIECHV Form 2 report! AND it’s available for all programs no matter what state you are located in. This report comes equipped with built-in data quality exports for each benchmark. These exports give you the details behind the Numerator, Denominator and Missing numbers. Like all Visit Tracker reports, any program

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