MIECHV Software

MIECHV Software meets standards

MIECHV Software Visit Tracker Web has recently met all the MIECHV standards requested to date.  We have updated our MIECHV Benchmark Alignment document to show the recently added features and future additions planned already.  Training on these new features has been conducted and current users are already incorporating the new features in their data collecting procedures.  Visit

MIECHV Software meets standards Read More »

Visit Tracker is the MIECHV Software for TEXAS PAT and EHS programs.

MIECHV Software Visit Tracker Web has completed all required customization requested by Texas for their MIECHV benchmark measurements and is the MIECHV software provider for all PAT (Parents As Teachers), EHS (Early Head Start), and Health Families America programs in Texas.  Additional tracking mechanisms were added to track medical provider visits, insurance history for both the guardians

Visit Tracker is the MIECHV Software for TEXAS PAT and EHS programs. Read More »

Visit Tracker Web software aligns with MIECHV Needs!

Visit Tracker Web recently released their MIECHV Software MIECHV Benchmark Alignment document referencing each MIECHV benchmark and how Visit Tracker tracks, or soon plans to track, the data necessary for that benchmark.  All benchmarks will be tracked by end of year 2012.  While each MIECHV grant recipient can determine individually how they will measure each benchmark, Visit

Visit Tracker Web software aligns with MIECHV Needs! Read More »

MIECHV Software discussed at recent National convention!

MIECHV software was recently discussed, displayed, and taught at the National PAT convention held in St. Louis in November.   Reviews were overwhelmingly positive.  Visit Tracker Web is the leading and only endorsed software for PAT home visiting programs and many other models are also using that software including all Bureau of Indian Affairs home visiting groups.

MIECHV Software discussed at recent National convention! Read More »

Illinois & Iowa Home Visiting programs using Visit Tracker Web

MIECHV grantees in Illinois and Iowa are currently using Visit Tracker Web to track MIECHV data and state leaders are discovering how Visit Tracker Web developers can develop state collection systems to collect the data from MIECHV sites.  The Texas department of Health and Human Services was the leader in using Visit Tracker Web for

Illinois & Iowa Home Visiting programs using Visit Tracker Web Read More »

Visit Tracker adds features for MIECHV software users!

Visit Tracker Web developers recently added several new features for all their users.  MIECHV software users using Visit Tracker Web had expressly requested these features.  The child screening tracking area was expanded to better track developmental screenings, hearing & vision screenings, and general health screenings.  While the ASQ-3 and ASQ-SE are the most widely used

Visit Tracker adds features for MIECHV software users! Read More »