David Tisdale

DATA CHECK! New Assessment Reports

Many of you might be implementing some new guardian assessments this program year. And many of you probably have already been implementing certain assessments but with some additional requirements around the timing of conducting the assessment and making referrals. Whether it’s a new assessment or new collection requirements, there are new reports specifically designed to help […]

DATA CHECK! New Assessment Reports Read More »

Improvements and Fixes

First of all, thank you very much for communicating your needs through FAQ’s and Help. Here’s a list of all fixes and improvements that have been released within the last week. We thank you for your patience and continued feedback. Reports: Assessments HIPPYUSA, PFS and HOME reports were displaying all guardians in the program when

Improvements and Fixes Read More »

November 2014 We hope you are experiencing a much more stable Visit Tracker lately! We believe we have found 95% of the areas where we were having trouble. Please continue to alert us to any error you receive until we have it 100%. Thank you for your patience.

Due to recent growth in the number of Visit Tracker users, Visit Tracker has recently experienced certain times of the day where users would have “time outs” errors where the system would kick them out.  We believe we have solved most of these issues and will not rest until we see no more errors in

November 2014 We hope you are experiencing a much more stable Visit Tracker lately! We believe we have found 95% of the areas where we were having trouble. Please continue to alert us to any error you receive until we have it 100%. Thank you for your patience. Read More »

Visit Tracker performs nicely as MIECHV software for Illinois!

MIECHV software is not readily available perfect for any certain grantee.  As each different grantee will function within different benchmarks, home visiting models, and reporting requirements, each needs CUSTOM software.  Visit Tracker software already tracks all the MIECHV demographic data and has MIECHV Form 1 built-in.  Therefore, Form 2 and benchmark tracking is the only

Visit Tracker performs nicely as MIECHV software for Illinois! Read More »

Some users experience problems with PVR! Some older Internet Explorer browser versions

Some older Internet Explorer browser versions are having trouble with the latest new features on the PVR since late last week.  We are programming around the old browsers and should have the fix up Tues 12/23.  If you had this issue, please update your Internet Explorer to the latest version.  It’s a free download.

Some users experience problems with PVR! Some older Internet Explorer browser versions Read More »